Friday 25 July 2014

Effective Design Principles for Business Websites

More than any other type of website, the business webpage must successfully hold the interest of visitors or suffer losing prospective clients. Business owners should keep the following design principles in mind when consulting with a web designer familiar with search engine and brand optimization techniques.

To significantly reduce a page’s clutter, the layout and navigation should be intuitively designed, with important sections being listed in a logical order. The menu should give visitors a clear idea of where they are in the website at any given moment.
Businesses should provide as much information about their products and services as possible, but they are also advised to resist the temptation of placing everything in the main page and instead use sub-pages to organize different categories of content. This is because website visitors often prefer to click to another link rather than scroll down an exceedingly long page. In addition, updating and changing content periodically can attract regular visitors.

Incorporating the company’s logo or official color scheme into the design can help the page make a greater impact upon visitors. Using simple fonts and background images to guarantee that the text is easily readable can also go a long way in making the website look more presentable.

External links should be configured to always open a new window instead of loading over the current page. This is to ensure that the visitor’s attention to the website does not get overshadowed by the content of the linked pages.

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